Pay it Forward. Save Small Businesses.
Donate Now!
$41,216 raised*
171 Contributions
100% of your donation, after credit card processing fees, goes directly towards funding small business relief programs that honor the spirit of Mason paying it forward. The MADECDC is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (federal tax ID #27-0091032). Contributions are currently ranging from $10 - $10,000 and we thank you for your support! Let's keep growing this fund.
*As of 4/1/2023
Prefer to mail your contribution?
Give. No donation is too small to let a small business know how much they are loved.
Mason Deerfield Community Development Corporation
316 W Main Street
Mason, OH 45040
R.E. Middleton Construction
Mason & Deerfield Lifestlye
Shine Like Sable Foundation
Wildflower Cafe
Timbelo, Inc.
Randall & Gina Kuvin
Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America
Tyler & Erica Buckner
Kal & Lina Patel
Scott & Joy Bennett
Kevin & Marsha Wise
Dee Schuessler
Joyanna Blank
Gensuite, LLC
Mad Potter
Bill & Kathy Kinane
Alex & Sherry Taylor
John & Debbie Kramer
Jim & Linda Spaeth
Craig & Jamie Natorp
Mark Bulgar
Scott & Sarah McClain
Bill & Christina Keim
Dr, George Sehi
Ashley & Beth Chance
Dave & Janet Nelson
Bob & Carrie Monley
Mark & Nicole Haake
Heartlinks by Allison
Steve & Gina Sanders
Bryan & Barbara Hogan
Nick & Anna Bogan
David & Julie Yost
Dennis & Sandy Bogan
Diana Nelson
Dave & Kelly Moushey
Jim & Danita Enouen
Jonathan & Michelle Cooper
Greg & Amy Moser
Prashant & Shyamala Jagtap
Chris Hughes
Steve & Heather McKee
Dr. DeAnn Hurtado
Julie Ilg
Peter & Carol Harrison
Dick & Jane Yost
Don & Pat Williams
Olav & Chantale Bergset
Roger & Jackie Wilson
Ron & Paula Herman
The Goddard School on Reading Rd.
Julius & Julie Montgomery
Demming Bass
Ian Liddell
Ryan & Amy Cleary
Peg & Greg Elfers
Patti & John Mulkie
Preeti & Steve Sullivan
Brian & Brittany Garlock
Mike & Betty Emmons
Jeff & Mona Day
Christa & Eric Bishop
Rob & Amy Middleton
Jill Kandell
Nathan & Whitney Decker
Sailaja Chintalapalli
Kevin & Jacqueline Herthel
Gary Rasmussen
Charles & Natalie Galvin
Jeff & Tracey Carson
Andria Shrock
Shorten & Ryan Funeral Home
Michael Ryan
Bryan & Casey Moran
Matt & Carrie Steele
Chris & Barbie Champ
Vito & Laura Peraino
Trish Simmons
Dr. David Berring
John & Barbara Spaeth
Josh & Holly Styrcula
Joe Patrick
Ben & Lisa Thamann
Tom & Bonnie Collins
Mark Andrea
Mike & Julie Wielonski
Todd & Jenna Hudson
Robin & Charlie Maxim
Craig & Nancy Hoon
Lina Patel
Nancy Wagner
Bill McBrayer
Tim, Barb & O'Brien Family
TJ Honerlaw
Patrick & Jackie Quigley
Amit Shukla
Mark & Amy Lortz
Kevin Baas
Mike & Melinda Kelly
Tim & Richelle Traut
Julie Altherr
Lori O'Connell
Mark Allen
Susan Chace
Sara & Ettore Mosca
Lisa Hockett
Brielle Maynor
Scot Lahrmer
Shawn & Sarah Skidmore
Amy Lang
Whitney Westrich
Kristopher & Kelly Cathcart
Shannon & Kristy Faulkner
Chris Centofanti
Doug & Jenni Grandstaff
Emily Van Cleve
Pete & Cyndie Mychalishyn
Kathy Popovich
The Crociata Family
Tricia & Bill Mormon
Courtney Allen
Dr. Gail Kist-Kline
Judy Marten
Tim & Mary Senff
Virginia Neal
Bill DeLong
Crystal Maag
Kirsten & Gene Lupinski
Jessica Vick
Amy Connor
Ron & Linda Prater
Robin & Phil McCluggage
Amy Mercer
Zach Jenkins
Geoffrey & Ashley Struggles
David Lee
Swati Bhowmik
Meredith & Tim Raffel
Mark & Mary-Ellen Theisen
Melissa Akin
Michael & Katie DePompei
Karthik Raghavan
Ian & Lindsey Hummel
Kamak Sharma
Doug & Sharon King
Sandra Lettie
Tracy Athan
Karen Hudson
Mark & Adria Haines
Bhamini Patel
Laura Contreras
Jeanette Cha
Michelle Sloan
Alicia Farbstein
Aimee Neal
Christopher Hubbard
Michelle Kling
Joan Hill
Sebastian & Michelle Di Loreto Tarot
Mark Cramer
Keith & Amber Ayers
Diane & Jeff Altherr
Nicole Rogers
Aaron Reid
Kavita Datta
Rich & Judy Cox
Bob Leslie
Brian Bensman
Scott Jones

Our Mission
We aim to create a small business relief grant program for the Mason area. This program will assist small business owners with immediate cash flow, as well as form a fund which will be maintained by the MADE CDC. Businesses who receive grants will have the option to contribute back to the fund once they are back to being economically viable for the purpose of paying it forward for future economic emergencies.
Together as a community we will ensure that 100% of the businesses that were viable pre-COVID-19 don't skip a beat when they are allowed to go back to business as usual.

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community.